Pick-Me-Up Drinks to Boost Your Monday Mood

All it takes is a positive outlook and get a quick boost of energy from any of these pick-me-up drinks and before you know it, you’re already powering through Monday like a boss.
Thanks to the stimulating properties of caffeine, coffee can increase one’s energy and help individuals feel less tired. And with the array of coffee products to choose from, there are now many different types of coffee that cater to varied tastes and preferences.
Meanwhile, growing more popular nowadays are specialty coffee. A great way to relax and recollect one’s self in the midst of the Monday hustle, age-old Japanese brand Key Coffee has a wide range of premium coffee goods such as instant coffee, fresh roasted beans, and single cup drip on coffee.

Milk Tea
The country is currently in the midst of a milk tea craze and for good reason! More than just a trend, milk tea actually bestows upon its drinker the benefits of various ingredients such as milk, tea, and its array of toppings. With all its awesome and tasty components, milk tea is definitely a delicious way to perk up one’s mood.
As one of the earliest players in the milk tea business, Serenitea remains to be the ultimate go-to spot for the most discerning milk tea drinkers. With over 50 shops throughout the country and an extensive menu which includes snacks, it’s easy to find a Serenitea close by to unwind and get a breather from manic Monday.

Iced Tea
Good thing for the on-the-go and health conscious folks, a newcomer in the form of Lick Iced Tea is now available in select cafés, restaurants, groceries, supermarkets, hotels, and even online. Sweetened naturally using Stevia and encased in a glass bottle, Lick Iced Tea boasts of a bolder, crisper, and healthier drink that comes in flavors such as Giant Apple Tea, Southern Sweet Peach, Sicilian Lemon, Huckle Berry, and Raspberry.

Hangover Remedy
Take for example, Morning Power, an anti-hangover drink that combats the dreaded hang-over by activating liver-helping enzymes, ADH and ALDH by 30% more. Morning Power can be ingested 30 minutes before drinking alcohol, before going to sleep after a bout of heavy drinking, and the morning after drinking. It can also be used as a chaser or mixed with other drinks and cocktails.